Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Idiocy and Lunacy Abound

Here are a couple of random thoughts for today.

Cynthia McKinney, the Democratic Congresswoman from Georgia who recently lost the Democratic Primary to her challenger, has just had her first news conference since losing. During this news conference, (according to the AP) she said that the black community needs to oppose electronic voting machines because they are designed to steal elections.
Ozzy's Two Cents: Ummm... maybe you lost the primary because of your whacky conspiricy theories, and/or because you smacked a cop! Basically, you're saying that your loss is everyone's fault but your own. This failure to take responsibility for your own thoughts, words and actions is a prime example of what's wrong with our government.

According to an article on ZDNet, Google is sending legal letters to media organizatons, telling them to quit using "google" as a verb.
Ozzy's Two Cents: Let me get a Kleenex to wipe my sympathy tears from my eyes as you try to Band-Aid this issue. You idiots! That's free advertising, quit fighting it.

And for my final factoid, it looks like Apple is really falling off of the cart. According to another article on ZDNet, Apple is sending a small business owner a cease and desist letter because her website and product have the word "pod" in it. A teeny excerpt from the letter from Apple to the business owner: "...Apple recently learned that you filed an application for TIGHTPOD ... Apple is concerned that the application for and use of the TIGHTPOD mark infringes Apple's trademark rights and dilutes its famous IPOD brand..."
Ozzy's Two Cents: What's next? Are you going to sue pea farmers? How about whales travelling in groups?

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