Sunday, June 20, 2010

That Evil Bastard

Over the last couple of days, I've seen internet articles talking about how people are pissed that Tony Hayward, the CEO of BP, went to some sort of yacht race. In one of the articles, there was also mention that people are pissed that Obama and Biden went golfing. To all of you that are angry about this -- give the guys a break!

Don't get me wrong here. I empathize with the anger and frustration that people are feeling over this spill. Jobs are disappearing, ecologies are being compromised- if not destroyed, memories are being tarnished. This is a huge deal... something that we won't come to grips with for a very long time.

That's not the point though. Hayward did not create the problem. His business practices may have contributed to the situation, but Hayward didn't exactly say "Geez, I'd love to see an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico blow up... think how pretty all of that swirly oil would look mixed up with the Gulf waters."

Furthermore, Hayward is the figurehead. His job is to run the business aspect of BP. He's not the guy who is going to come up with ideas to fix the problem. And even if he WAS, don't you think that he'd be a bit tired if he didn't have some time off?!? Think about it... would YOU be able to work 16 hours per day, 7 days a week, for months on end? Wouldn't YOU be a bit crispy and out of ideas?

Hayward has definitely come across as less-than-connected. And as the head honcho, part of his job is to be the face of villainy. And yes, he could have chosen something a bit less elitist than a yacht race for his time off. I'm not trying to defend his actions. I'm simply trying to express that it's not really reasonable for people to expect perfection from him.


Sunny said...

I agree- Just like us- no matter what crap life hands us- we absolutely still need some downtime....and if Yachting is his hing-well, then it's what he will go do.
Me? I prefer reading and going on drives, cooking and fishing....but to each his own.

We all need a break from it sometimes.

Paulius said...

Yeah, but where's the newspaper selling, ratings-grabbing outrage and drama if we can't point out these greedy irresponsible fat-cats (who blew up their own pipeline ON PURPOSE to kill all the dolphins) are now going on vacation WHILE LAUGHING AT US when they should PERSONALLY be on the sea-floor with a roll of duct tape?

...personally, I just think it's funny everyone's getting mad because the oil companies have the sheer nerve to sell us something we demand and want to make as much money as possible.

Amazing how Capitalism is to be defended at all costs when it comes to health care reform...but is pure evil when it comes to oil companies.