Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cutting the Cord

I'm ready to ditch Cable TV. That's right, I'm ready to give up a couple of my favorite shows -- Boardwalk Empire and Sons of Anarchy -- and test the uncharted waters of Internet TV. I've been thinking about this for several months, and have talked to the family about it a couple of times recently. They seem hesitantly open to the idea. They are concerned that they'll have to give up a couple of their favorite shows. But I've got a plan that's elegant in its simplicity.

Over the next couple of months, I hope to build a solid, yet cost-effective PC. For good-quality streaming video, a high-quality video card is the most essential piece. I want a card that has HDMI out, and I will need surround sound audio to feed through the HDMI cable. Not a tall order.

After building the PC, I will do a trial run without Cable TV. I will keep the cable service, but it won't be connected. Instead, we will get our entertainment through a combination of our existing Netflix service, and the computer. I figure if we can get through a month without cable, we will cut the cord for good. I hope to implement this test within the next three to four months.

Am I the only one who's ready to ditch cable?


Sunny said...

That's a FAB idea!! Trial Run!!

Paulius said...

Do you need to actually build a PC?

Even the most basic, off the shelf PC's now can play 1080p video smoothly...and if your TV has a VGA port (and 99% of HDTVs do), you don't even need a HDMI connection. A VGA cable provides exactly the same resolution and picture quality as HDMI.

My advice would be to just go buy a $300-$400 Walmart PC. It'll be just a cheap and a whole lot easier (and even if you don't get smooth video, it's easier to swap out a video card than build a PC from scratch)

Just a thought.