Saturday, June 28, 2014

Getting Old Really Sucks!

I may be exercising and eating relatively healthy, and I might be far healthier than most men my age (and a lot of men far younger than me), but that doesn't mean that I'm immune to the ravages of time.  A couple of weeks ago, I woke up with back spasms.  It hurt bad enough that I stepped out of bed and nearly fell to the floor because of the pain.  I missed two weeks at the gym because I didn't want to aggravate the injury.

Yesterday, I went to a whitewater kayak clinic.  I haven't been in a boat for quite a while, but I didn't do anything strenuous.  My aging body once again objected, however, and I pulled a muscle in my side.  This was during flat water warm-up exercises!  When I pulled the muscle, I heard and felt the pop.  I was able to complete the class, but I paid for it.  Immediately after I got out of the boat, the muscles started seizing and inflaming.  It got to the point where if I twisted wrong, took a deep breath, laughed, coughed or sneezed, the pain nearly dropped me to my knees.

I think this means that I need to adjust my exercise routine to add some core strengthening and flexibility.  I hope to return to the gym Monday, but that depends on how quickly my side heals.  All of this leads me to one conclusion... getting old really sucks!

1 comment:

Sunny said...

amen to that.....