Sunday, December 10, 2006

Gang Activity

Like many areas of the country, my little corner of the world has criminal activity, and these hooligans need to be stopped. The senselesness started several months ago, and things have continually escalated since then. The community is frustrated, resources are being wasted, law enforcement officials are ineffective and children are focusing on revenge instead of what really matters.

Like many parents, I once thought this sort of thing happened to others... that it couldn't happen here... that my children couldn't be involved in something so heinous as... I can't even bring myself to say it. How could they? After all, I've done everything right. We've had the "just say no" talks. We've given them discipline with love, guidance with affection, and respect with limits. This shouldn't be happening!

In retrospect, I guess I should have seen it coming. It all started with the kids staying up late. Next thing I knew, they were cranky in the morning. Then they started wearing black, especially late at night. They would occasionally leave the house after sunset, dressed like cat burglers and speaking in hushed voices. Before I knew it, things were starting to disappear from our bathrooms and kitchens. But I refused to see what was happening to my children before my very eyes.

It's too late for us. Our kids have already started down that slippery slope from which there may be no return. Under the best of circumstance, therapy and rehabilitation may be required. I hope that you can do better for your sons and daughters. Please, before it's too late...

Talk to your children about the dangers of harmless teenage pranks. Toilet paper can be thrown too high. Soap can be applied to windows too thickly. Cars can be plastic-wrapped too tightly. Please, stop the insanity before someone is truly inconvenienced.

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