Thursday, May 8, 2008

Taking Longer than I Expected

When I started this blog, my original intention was to move all of my old posts over here. It's a plan I still intend to execute, but it's taking far longer than I expected. I figured that I'd need to change a name here and there, but doing so is a little more difficult than I anticipated, because I want to change names without altering the story itself.

Additionally, I neglected to consider links to earlier blog entries. I'm finding that changing a single entry is a difficult endeavor, because I bring that solitary entry over here, but the links will break when I move the linked entry to its new home and delete the old one. Quite a hassle. Maybe I should be a bit more selective in my migration. What do you think?


Paulius said...

Personally, I wouldn't bother moving every post here. I'd just move over a 'best of' selection.

I was looking through my old posts a couple days ago, and three quarters of them I wouldn't bother moving to a new blog if I made the move.

Basically, I see blogging as working on the same concept as the news. With a few exceptions, most of the stuff I write just isn't all that relevant DAYS, never mind months or years, later.

Plus, are you going to eventually make this blog open to everyone? If it's going to stay invitation only, I wouldn't even bother with the name changes.

Evan 08 said...

I've already weeded out a few of my lame posts, but yeah, I'm going to open this to the general public... someday

Sunny said...

Well, I'm just wondering why you're bothering to change names and details here and there anyway....I mean, you've made the blog invite only so why go to the trouble to do all that?

Miss you posting btw....hope to more soon!!

Hope the Missus had a very Happy Mother's Day.

Sunny said...

Well Dang.......I should have read the COMMENTS section BEFORE I posted that last comment......I'm still asleep....haven't had my coffee yet.......sorry Dude.