Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sometimes, There IS a Little Justice in the World

Back in the July timeframe, I was eligible for a review of my child support obligation. I make a lot less now than I did when child support was initially calculated, so financially I knew it was in my best interest to request a review and get my child support payments reduced. I informed the ex that I'd be doing this, so that she wouldn't be taken by surprise or think I was being sneaky.

A few days later, I told my wife that I was going to request the review. She actually recommended that I not do the review. She figured that the ex always makes waves when I do that kind of thing, and it was worth a little extra to keep the peace. "Besides," she said, "we both know that your ex can use the extra money." So I let it go.

My ex must have taken that as a sign that I determined a child support review would not be in my favor... a couple of months later, SHE requested the review. Well, folks, the results are in....

My new child support payment is 34% of the old payment. And where I formerly had to pay 100% of the medical deductibles and co-pays, I now only have to pay 50%. Effectively, I just got a fat raise.

Sometimes, there IS a little justice in the world.


Paulius said...

Cue Nelson Muntz:


Sunny said...

Don't you just LOVE it when they do it to themselves and cant blame you for a single BIT of it?

I am so happy for you....I never understood why she got CS in the first place, because they always seem to be with you and the missus. o rwas I missing something?...

At any rate- Happy for you all round!!!

rayray said...

i like paulius' comment.
couldn't have said it better meself!

Evan 08 said...

[Evan grins at Paulius and RayRay]

Sunny: I'll admit there's a piece of me that wants to smirk at her boneheaded maneuver. But when all is said and done, it really doesn't make much difference. I'm kind of past the point of getting enjoyment from her suffering.

As for the child support... that's just how Iowa works. It's too much effort for me to constantly rage against the machine. I try to tell the legislators how it should be.

Paulius said...

You're not getting actual ENJOYMENT from her suffering...but it's gotta be a little satisfying when someone, anyone, tries to screw you and screws themselves instead...especially when their motivation to screw you over was you trying to help them out.

I say again: HA HAAAA!

Evan 08 said...

Yeah Paul, you're right.