Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sick of It

I really don't know why I keep reading political articles... all they tend to do anymore is fill me with disgust. It's like I'm a junkie who knows that political information is bad for me, but I continue to take just one more bump. Next thing I know, I'm filled with anger and disgust, mixed with helplessness over the knowledge that I don't have enough influence to change things myself.

The article that set me off this morning was about the union flap in Wisconsin. For the record, I'm rather ambivalent about the actual issue. What continues to gall me is how the Governor is handling the situation. Most recently, the law (which significantly changes unions for public employees in Wisconsin) was passed and signed by the Governor's office. But apparently a court order prevented the Secretary of State from signing and publishing the new legislation. This court order, based on my understanding, essentially prevented the law from going into effect. However, the executive office in Wisconsin posted the law on some web site and is now claiming that the law is in effect.

Whether or not this is actually the case from a legal standpoint, I am disgusted with the action in and of itself. From where I stand, this is a case of the Governor saying to the judicial branch "Fuck you, I'll do what I want." The era of honoring the spirit of our system of government is long dead. We are firmly rooted in the technical aspect of our system. Can't get what you want? Oh well, do it anyway and then claim a technicality.

I really wish that my fellow constituents would stay disgusted at our system long enough to throw all of our politicians out on their collective asses. Yep, make EVERYONE start all over again... because I, for one, am sick of the way things are now.

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