Friday, July 27, 2012

Smooth as Sandpaper

I am many things, but today, grace is not one of my strong points.  I rode my motorcycle home from work today, pulled it into the garage, shut it off, jumped off, and quickly realized that I had forgotten to put down the kick stand.

Struggling to maintain balance as the bike and I both fell toward the garage floor, I somehow managed to escape major injury and prevented any damage to the bike.  In the process though, I put my head through the drywall, resulting in small cuts over my left eyebrow and on the bridge of my nose.  I'm still not quite sure how I managed to keep the bike from dropping but rest assured, that hole in the drywall will serve as a daily reminder to put down the kickstand.


rayray said...

i don't mean to laugh..but.............

Sunny said...

Ouch. Lesson Learned. Glad you & the Bike(have you named her yet?) both escaped MAJOR injury!!!

Evan 08 said...

Sorry for the slow response...

@Rayray... you are welcome to laugh

@Sunny... painless. I had initially named the bike Sophia, but I don't think the name fits. Hell, I'm not even sure she's a girl.