Sunday, March 30, 2014

Working out with Fatties, Oldies and Wimps

Last week was spring break.  It was kind of nice.  The usual gym rats and high schoolers were out of town, so the gym was almost empty.  Instead, what I saw was a gym full of fatties, oldies and wimps.  There were fat bodies in the pool, a couple of whom were so large that I suspect they noticeably raised the water level when the entered the water.  There were fat bodies huffing and puffing as they walked -- yes, walked -- around the track.  There were old people and wimps who actually used the machines without any weights!  Apparently, adding five or ten pounds was more than they could handle.  As I saw this group of misfits hanging around the gym, working up a sweat to zero pounds, or huffing and puffing at a snail's pace as I effortlessly lapped time and again around the track, one thought kept running through my mind...

Good on you!  Keep it up!  You see, despite what you may think, fat body, old dude, or prepubescent wimp, I relate to you more than I do to the stereotypical gym rat.  Yeah, you may not see a lot of fat on me, and I have a relatively toned physique, I relate to you far more than I do to the gym rats.  Though I'm in decent shape, I didn't get that way overnight.  It took discipline and dedication.  I hope that it's a dedication that you're in the early stages of developing.  I remember where I started, and as a nerd at heart, I hope I never forget.

What I'm trying to say, (poorly, I may add) is that I support you in your endeavor to become a healthier you.  You may think we're all looking at you... judging you... deriding you in our minds.  But that's not the case.  Most of us are silently cheering you on.  Keep it up, folks!  You can do it!  The only difference between you and me (especially the oldies and wimps) is that I've been working out a bit longer than you.  Never forget that.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

TY....Always nice to know someone is in my corner. I try and keep that very thought in my head when I'm at the gym. You and Paul are my inspiration when I'm there sweating away. If you remember, Paul woke up one morning almost blind and after a horrible time of trying to find a doctor to see him, he finally found one and was diagnoised with Diabetes. He began an excersize routine and watched what he ate and lost a ton of weight and eventually got rid of his diabetes. You have been working out and have pretty much killed your goals you set-Both of you doing it very low key- no hype- no adoration wanted or needed. But I have been watching- and learning.....and it's working for me. Slowly...MUCH more slowly that I want, and sometimes with setbacks- but I keep thinking of yall and your successes and I keep plugging away. I will reach my goals someday. You and Paul have paved the way.