Sunday, January 11, 2015

An Alternate Point of View

Today's blog entry is an exercise in creativity.  This is a story about my grandson's custody battle, written as if I were the boy's father.

It’s been over two months since I saw my son.  I miss him.  I love my son more than anything in the whole world, but they won’t let me see him.  To make matters worse, I have to pay child support for a kid they won’t even let me see.  That’s not fair.  I don’t even have a job.  How can they expect me to pay child support?  And I’ve got another kid on the way?  How am I supposed to provide for him?  What’s crazy is that my son and his baby momma live with her parents.  Between the three of them, they probably make six figures.  Why should I have to pay child support for a kid they won’t let me see?

It’s really DHS’s fault that I don’t get to see him.  There’s nothing more important to me than my son, but they make it impossible to see him.  They make me come to DHS to see him for supervised visits during the day.  Don’t they know that’s when I work?  And they said that I can’t have unsupervised visits until I take a psychological evaluation and a substance evaluation.  They said that I have to take piss tests.  They can’t make me do that!  There’s nothing wrong with me.  Okay, I had a bad reaction to K2 once, but that wasn’t an overdose.  That was more like an allergic reaction.  They act like I have a drug problem.  Screw that!  I’m not going to piss in a bottle.  Besides, how am I supposed to pay for these evaluations?  I don’t have a job.  How am I supposed to get there to piss in a bottle?  I don’t have a car.  And they make me call or text by noon to “confirm my visits.”  They say that I’ve missed too many visits in the past, so if I don’t confirm, they cancel my visit.

It’s really my son’s mom’s fault.  Her and her father.  It’s their fault that I lost my temper.  Her dad thinks he’s a tough Marine.  Well, I showed him.  It all started innocent enough.  I went over to spend some time with my son, and his mom came along.  We had fun.  We all went to the park.  His mom drove.  When we all got done, we drove back to her house.  I just wanted to take my son with me for a while, but his mom said no, because I didn’t have a car, and I didn’t have a place to stay.  It really upset me.  And then her dad came out, trying to tell me that I couldn’t take my son.  Who the fuck does he think he is?  Well, I showed him.  I brutally beat him.

You’d think that my son’s momma would have learned from seeing me beat her daddy, but she didn’t.  I had my son.  We were having fun, being a family again.  So I kept him overnight.  And we were having so much fun that I kept him overnight again.  I don’t understand what the big deal is.  You’d think that everyone would be happy that I got to spend time with my son.  But his mom got mad and started yelling at me.  She was screaming at me so loud that we got kicked out of the store.  I took my son and put him in the truck, but she stood in front of it.  I figured that I’d just push her with the truck, but she didn’t move.  If she would have moved, I wouldn’t have had to run over her.  And DHS never would have gotten involved.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

My prayers to you all for a difficult situation. I have my own views having been in an abusive relationship- but I'll keep them to myself.
Let's just say Baby Daddy wouldnt like the outcome.