Thursday, December 28, 2017

Libertarians are Leading With the Wrong Argument

Those of you who know me are likely aware that I'm a Libertarian and have been one for... well, quite a while. Over the years, I've heard time and time again that Taxation is Theft.  It's become kind of a rallying cry for the Libertarian party.  Unfortunately, it's the wrong opening discussion.  Here's why:

The reason I became a Libertarian was not because of money.  I became a Libertarian because I was disillusioned with the Democrats and Republicans.  I got tired of the lies, the broken promises, the crony capitalism and backroom deals.  I grew sick of seeing politicians getting elected to office as decent people only to be turned into party automatons.  I got tired of seeing new laws that curtailed my personal rights.

Bitching about taxation is all well and good.  I don't know anyone who loves paying taxes.  But at the end of the day, choosing taxation as the Meme for the Libertarian Party is not the best place to start the discussion. Taxation is a finite item with a limited appeal and value.  We should talk about how our individual freedoms are being eroded.  People seem to agree that freedom has no price.  So why are we leading with taxation, which has a set dollar value, when we can talk about personal freedom, which has a value beyond measure?  Libertarians are leading with the wrong argument.

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