Wednesday, March 8, 2006

The U.N. is a Whiny, Toothless, Self-Important Group of Impotent Cowards

Unless you've been living under a rock, you are likely aware that Iran is processing nuclear fuel. They say it's for energy, but much of the world believes that Iran wants nuclear weapons. What's the world doing about it? Not much. There's been a lot of negotiation, but that's gotten us nowhere. The world has even offered to process the fuel, transport it to Iran, and carry away the spent fuel, but Iran has steadfastly refused this proposal. They're intent on doing the processing. (Hence the world's predisposition to think that something's rotten in Tehran.)

Well, the world is finally getting it... Iran will be satisfied with nothing less than locally processed nuclear fuel. So what are we doing about it? We're talking tough. We're threatening to send them to the U.N. Security Council, which is the global equivalent of saying to a rebellious teenager "I'm going to tell your mom and dad."

Well gee, "mom and dad" (A.K.A. the U.N. Security Council), can't even agree that they want to "have a stern talk with the boy." The Russians and Chinese have a lot of trade going on with Iran, and they get a lot of oil from there as well. Do you think they're going to bite the hand that heats them? Ummmm... no. But what the hell, let's just go with the assumption that the security council (I'm using lower-case letters intentionally to show my lack of respect for these self-important blowhards) does rebuke Iran with a binding resolution. Big deal. That's like getting a note from someone you don't respect, that says they're disappointed in you. You're still going to keep doing what you're doing.

Let's kick it up a notch, and say that the u.n. sanctions Iran... Ooooooo, what then? The same thing - nothing. Thanks to Saddam Hussein, it's been concretely demonstrated that a country can exist under sanctions for years... especially if that country has something everyone wants -- like OIL!

The diplomats can fool themselves into thinking they're stopping Iran's quest for nuclear technology, but they're not fooling the average Ahmed in Iran, and they're not fooling me. The only thing that Iran seems to understand is force. Unfortunately, that's not a good option either, considering that the west is already fighting a war in two Middle Eastern countries. I see World War III coming on, and this time it will be a catastrophic, colossal, cataclysmic clash of cultures. (Great alliteration, eh?)

I see a no-win situation coming up here. Either we take Iran out now, and further the impression that we're out to squash the Middle East and Islam, or we wait until Iran has nukes, and things get even worse.

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