Thursday, September 6, 2007


I'm going to riff on Paulius' post from today. For those of you who didn't read the article, read it. I'll wait...

Now, keeping his article in mind, read this:

I was over at neighbor girl's house the other night, because she wanted help getting her X-Box on the internet. By the time I got there, the problem was fixed, but I didn't leave immediately. I watched, mesmerized, by the subsequent events that transpired. It turns out that the reason she wanted the X-Box on the internet was so that she could impress some boys by letting them play Halo 2 online, on a high-def TV. I'll admit that the graphics were very impressive. The boys, however, weren't.

One boy was playing (and doing quite well, actually), while the other boy had the microphone and was talking smack for the kid who was playing. The smack wasn't that bad... no profanity or anything like that, but I'm sure that's because there were adults in the room. The point is, the kid could play, but he wasn't good enough to play and talk shit. And they took turns doing this!

To make matters worse, the girls made snacks (pizza bites, mozzarella sticks and so forth) and the boys ate virtually all of the snacks. And they fed each other, leaving the girls out in the cold. Next time you run in to one of those shit-talking-my-voice-hasn't-yet-changed-punk-ass-bitches, keep today's post in mind.

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