Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Too Long

I had a thought stuck in my little head last night, which prompted me to write this morning. Before I start with the real topic though, I've got to admit that I'm a bit chagrined over how long it's been since my last entry... it's been far too long. With that said, let's get on with the topic for today.

Those of you who know me realize that I'm hooked on nicotine. I've smoked cigarettes or cigars, or chewed tobacco off and on (mostly on) for about 25 years. I've quit too many times to count. I can easily make it for a week to a month, but after that I've relapsed.

Well, about a week ago, I bought a pack of cheap cigars and smoked them all in just a few hours. Later in the evening, I got a raging migraine headache, complete with nausea so bad that simply rolling over in bed caused me to vomit. That was enough. I've quit (again).

Having gone without any tobacco for almost a week (today is day six), has given my lungs a chance to clear out. As I was laying in bed last night, a thought kept running through my mind. Those of you who have gone from long hair to short will understand...

After a major haircut, I always noticed the breeze on my neck and ears for the first couple of weeks. While laying in bed last night, I very acutely noticed the "breeze" in my esophagus and lungs. It's kind of nice letting my lungs clear out again. They've been clogged with crap for too long.


Sunny said...

Not going to jinx you by saying Good Luck.....I will say that on a daily basis- since April 1989, I have been taking it one day at a time on the quitting a whole different kind of ciggie. Some days are easier than others... and that's all I got to say about that.

Evan 08 said...

We've all got our shit to quit, eh Sunny?

Sunny said...

Yessir. I believe we might...LOTS of bad habits out there to choose from too. ;-)