Sunday, September 1, 2013

I Don't Support Action in Syria

Hot topic of the day... it looks like the US will be getting involved in the Syrian civil war.  I do not support our involvement because we just don't belong there.  At some point, we need to admit that we can't be the world's police.  Eventually, we need to acknowledge that we shouldn't "help" people who don't want our assistance.  Someday, we need to understand that the enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend.  Ultimately, we must concede that not everyone thinks like we do; not everyone shares our values.  The Middle East has been a hotbed of violence for centuries.  They do not place the same value on human life that we do.  We've got to admit this, and let them fight it out for themselves.

If you agree with me, please contact your legislators and let them know.  To make it easier for you, I am including a link to help you find your congressman and senators, and I am providing sample text that you can simply cut and paste.  I am not naive enough to believe that there's never a good enough reason to go to war.  I do, however, believe that we don't have enough reason to join THIS war.

I'm not a huge fan of Glen Beck, but this video of his pretty much explains why I don't support our involvement in Syria.

Find your House Representative

Find your Senator

Sample Text:
I am writing to ask you to vote against authorizing any military action in Syria.  I understand that war is occasionally a necessary evil, but we have spent enough money, time, and human life trying to improve the lives of those who hate us.  At some point, we need to realize that we cannot be the world's police.  Eventually, we must understand that not everyone thinks like us.  Sometime, we have to acknowledge that the enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend.  Please, let our military involvement in the Middle East end here.

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