Friday, May 30, 2014

Giving an Obliviot Her Comeuppance

I was out riding my motorcycle earlier today, with my older daughter riding on the back.  Fortunately for us, I ride defensively, because some stupid bitch who was too busy talking on her cell phone, decided to turn left immediately in front of us, to the point that I locked my back brake during the emergency stop.

I actually saw all of this coming, thanks to experience and some pointers I picked up during my motorcycle safety course.  (Watch their wheels... if the wheels start rolling, they're going.)  As a result, I wasn't panicked, and catastrophe was avoided.  But I did lay on the horn during the stop, and I watched the chick as she continued her left turn in front of me.  She never looked at me, and she never stopped talking on the phone.  It was as if I didn't exist.  It was as if she never realized she could have seriously injured my daughter and me.

If she'd have acknowledged that she screwed up, (you know... the wave) that would have been the end of it.  But she didn't.  I was incensed... furious to the point that I (safely) made a U-turn and followed her to her destination, (a local grocery store) where I gave her a piece of my mind.

"Hey!" I screamed.  "I just wanted to thank you for being too fucking busy talking on your cell phone to see that you cut me off!"

She tried to say that she wasn't talking on her phone, but my daughter saw it too, and called her on her lie.

"Oh, I didn't see you because of that other car," she finally muttered.

"Yeah, that's because you were too busy talking on your fucking cell phone to watch for motorcycles."

"Do I need to call the cops?" she retorted, defensively.

"Why, to tell them you can't drive?"  Reminder, I'm screaming at her this whole time.  My objective was to publicly shame her, and possibly scare her, with the idea that she looks out for bikes in the future.

"No, because you're causing a scene."

"That's because you're a stupid fucking cunt who doesn't watch for motorcycles!"

At this point, people in the parking lot started paying attention.  This is what I wanted.  It's apparent that she didn't want the attention.  She walked into the store.  My daughter and I got back on the bike and continued our ride.

Now for my commentary on the whole thing...

-The bitch deserved to get her ass chewed.

-I kind of enjoyed being the hammer of justice... the voice of righteous indignation.  Kind of un-Christian of me, eh?

-The primary reason that I did this is because she looked right through me... even when she realized that she did wrong, she never gave the wave, or anything to acknowledge that she made a mistake.  A very close second is to hopefully sear the encounter into her little brain housing group, and get her to watch for bikes in the future.  I don't expect this to happen.

-I will admit that I swear more than I should, but I know that 'cunt' is a particularly offensive word, and I reserve it for the most grievous of situations.  This woman deserved the word.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Good for YOU!! I would have done the same in your place- matter of fact I'd probably end up with an assault charge cause I would have been pushing on her and when she tried to stop me I woulda started throwing punches- NOBODY gets by with endangering my loved ones like that.
I'm just glad you had the presence of mind to realize what what happening before yall got hurt or worse.