Thursday, November 6, 2014

An Open Note to Politicians Everywhere

Dear Politicians,

The election is over.  The Democrats are licking their wounds, and the Republicans are doing their happy victory dance.  (For those of you not familiar with this dance, the Democrats and Republicans both do it when their party gains power, and it looks a lot like the Elaine dance.)

I have two things to say about the elections, and these comments go to both parties.  First, your so-called commercials sucked!  I really wish that the lot of you would just grow up and quit trash talking each other.  It's worse than middle school!

The second comment is really directed toward the Republicans.  Though you gained a lot of seats this election period, it does NOT necessarily mean that America is endorsing your party, and it is NOT necessarily a repudiation of the Democratic platform.  The reason that Republicans gained seats is because the public is tired of business as usual in Congress.  Please take that lesson to heart.


A (Still) Disgruntled Constituent

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