Thursday, July 28, 2005

Work + Children = Low Productivity

This is kind of a follow-up to my post from earlier today. My kids always ask to go to work with me. A couple of times per year, I let them, and today was my younger daughter's turn. I've got to preface this by saying that she was a little angel. She was well-behaved, charming as hell to my co-workers, she made me little "I love my Daddy" pictures notes and cards, and did a great job of keeping herself entertained. But she's still a kid. She still had to go potty a lot. She'd still ask me silly little questions that she already knew the answer to (like "Daddy, what's your favorite color?") while I was deep in thought. This, of course, not only derailed my train of thought... it derailed it, destroyed the bridge that the train was crossing, killed the engineer, and dropped a nuke on the whole shit-n-shebang just for good measure.

Luckily, I was prepared for a day of low productivity, and had low expectations for getting anything accomplished. Unfortunately, I had a few unexpected issues. Fortunately, my daughter charmed the people having the problems, and they were completely unaware that it took me 10 times longer to fix their problems due to my daughter's presence. Or maybe they just sucked it up and didn't say anything.

Regardless of this though, it was still stressful. But like I said earlier, it's about my kids. I like my job, but it's only a means to an end... that end being to make life better for my kids. And by some strange coincidence, the kids seem to somehow think that taking them to work is better for them. (Of course, I'm not so sure about that, because they'll start working soon enough.) So considering that I only take them to work once or twice a year, and it's all about them anyway, I can suck up a day or so of low productivity.

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