Monday, July 31, 2006

You had Better Agree to this Ultimatum...

Unless you've been living in a cave, you know about the brouhaha with Iran being referred to the U.N. security council. Not too long ago, they gave Iran an ultimatum: Cease enriching uranium or face sanctions. The U.N. gave Iran until the middle of August or something like that to agree to the ultimatum, and Iran immediately told the U.N. to go to hell. The U.N. has now come back and said cease enriching uranium or face the threat of diplomatic and economic sanctions, and they have given Iran until August 31 to reply. Let me get this straight...

Iran is doing something the world doesn't like, so the world is saying "Stop it or else..." Iran is saying buggar off. Now that Iran has told us in no uncertain terms that it's not going to listen, the U.N. has come back and said "Ummmm, stop it or else we'll threaten you with strong language and the possibility that we may eventually threaten you with sanctions." It's a good thing that the U.N. is not a parent! These ass clowns have it all wrong.

When you have a child (Iran) who isn't obeying you, you punish them. You don't threaten them, and then back down when they continue to disobey, you punish them, and escalate the punishment until they listen. Here's a tip to the U.N. You idiots have lost all credibility. Every country in the world knows that you're a toothless, spineless capitulating bunch of French-imitators. Iran is never going to listen to you, because they know you're never going to do anything to them.

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