Saturday, August 11, 2007

Let's Talk About Las Vegas

Now that I'm back from my family vacation and have had a couple of days to get back into my routine, I think it's time to tell you all about the trip. We spent a week out there with my brother-in-law, who took great care of us. During our stay, we saw a magic show, a play, we the kids shopped, we ate and ate and ate, rode roller coasters, visited the Stratosphere, did the Star Trek Experience and much more. Too much, in fact, to even THINK about discussing in one post, so I'll talk about some of this stuff over the next few days.

As I say "family vacation" though, I should point out that we had an extra member of the family. Neighbor girl is the kid next door. She's the older kid's best friend, and gets along great with the little one too. The Mrs. and I are friends with her parents, and they have taken big kid on vacation with them in the past. Neighbor girl was a delight to have on the trip with us. She did a great job of keeping the kids occupied and was so well-behaved that words can't really describe it.

Tune in tomorrow when I start actually writing about some of the stuff we saw. Is there anything you'd specifically like to hear about first?

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