Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Grand Experiment

You may remember a post from last month where I said that I was ready to get rid of cable TV. During the last month, I have built a computer that meets my needs, and two days ago, I disconnected my cable, hooked up the PC, and got a subscription to Hulu Plus. (We already have a Netflix subscription.)

Two days in to our 30-day experiment, I am going to declare a qualified success. The kids are adapting well to the idea of doing without cable TV, though they have grumbled once or twice that an episode of a show hasn't been available. In all honesty though, I fully expected this to happen. They ARE, however, doing a grand job of adjusting to the idea of searching through Hulu for their entertainment, as opposed to channel surfing.

There is one hiccup that I didn't expect... I've seen a couple of bandwidth issues while watching Hulu. The picture freezes for a few moments, the show rebuffers, and things continue. After using Netflix for over a year, I didn't expect the buffering issues quite to the extent we're experiencing. It's not horrible, but after years of watching cable TV and DVDs, ANY disruption to the streaming is quite disruptive.

With these issues aside though, I think things will work.

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