Friday, March 2, 2012

Going Prodigal (Or, There and Back Again)

When I was younger -- much younger -- I, like many younger adults, sowed my wild oats. Exactly what I did during those days needn't be discussed here. Today's post isn't designed to glorify the sins of a misspent youth. Now that I'm getting a little older, I notice a lot of my peers complaining about my kids' generation, while conveniently overlooking the fact that most of these same friends ran right along side of me, doing the same things about which they now complain. But again, that's not what today's post is about. Today, I want you to consider the possibility that there's a good side to letting yourself be a little reckless during your youth.

I had fun when I was younger, but I also grew out of it. At first, I was reluctant to leave my old life behind. I missed staying up until the wee hours of the morning, and I didn't enjoy the sleepless nights and dirty diapers that came with parenthood. Over time though, I got to a point where I would willingly choose to hang out with my family as opposed to hitting the bars. As a young, single guy, I often wondered why a parent would put that crappy drawing of (whatever) on the refrigerator. Once I had my own kids, I realized that doing so brought joy to the little ones. Partying gave me pleasure. Family brought happiness.

... and THAT is why I say that a prodigal period in life is a good thing. When I was young, I had a good time. I enjoyed myself. To say otherwise would be disingenuous. When I think back to my youth, I still chuckle inwardly as I think about (insert stupid, drunken memory here). But when I look back throughout my life, those events aren't REALLY what bring me the most happiness. The recollections that bring me true joy revolve around relationships. My wild days were enjoyable. I would probably do it again if I had to go back in time. But it was also a phase that I naturally outgrew. I would absolutely walk away from those days again.

... and HERE'S the point that I've been working toward this whole time. Yes, I enjoyed my youth, but looking back, a lot of it was hollow pleasure-seeking. What sticks out are the relationships, not the drunken folly. But if I had never gone prodigal, I know that there's a piece of me that would always wonder "What if?" One thing that the straight-laced crowd refuses to acknowledge is that it's FUN to be wild and reckless. But it's hollow pleasure. The things that bring REAL, lasting joy and happiness revolve around relationships. This is something I could have only learned through experience. And THAT is why I say there's a good side to having a little reckless fun when you're young.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Well said. And I agree.