Thursday, September 8, 2005

Jeff Foxworthy and Diaper Changing

Jeff Foxworthy has said that men appreciate bad smells. If that's the case, then why are some men so reluctant to change diapers? After all, anyone who's changed a diaper will quickly agree that there's not much that smells worse than baby crap. To paraphrase Foxworthy, a guy will stick his head into his smelly gym bag and take a deep whiff, knowing that the smell will probably knock him on his ass. And once he confirms it, he'll not only smell it again, he'll call his buddies in for a whiff too.

Yet these same guys won't change a diaper. Guys take great delight in farting in the car and then cranking up the windows, so their buddies have to smell it, but they won't change a diaper. Since they have such obvious fun with farts, it CAN'T be a lack of tolerence for the smell, so why don't these guys change diapers? If guys appreciate bad smells, why does the baby's diaper remain unchanged unless mom's around?

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