Friday, April 6, 2007

Isn't This a Little Counter-Intuitive?

By now you may have heard that the Commandant of the Marine Corps, General James T. Conway, has implemented a ban on "extra-large tattoos below the elbow or below the knee," because these tattoos are "harmful to the Corps' spit-and-polish image." Am I the only one who thinks this is a foolish policy?

Look, tattoos are a part of military culture. I got my first tattoo when I was eighteen years old, just a couple of months out of boot camp. And I know dozens of men and women who expressed devotion to their beloved Corps by getting their skin inked... with the eagle, globe and anchor... with the bulldog... with our motto of Semper Fi (always faithful). Now the Commandant is trying to restrict this practice?

In addition to that, tattooing is an art form that has gone mainstream. Tattooing is no longer something that makes you tough, a rebel, or an outlaw. Tattooing, along with body piercing, is virtually a right of passage for today's youth. And the Corps wants to restrict this form of self-expression? Shameful.

Look, we've got an all-volunteer military... volunteers who know that if they enlist, they are almost guaranteed to end up in Iraq or Afghanistan, where they will likely be shot at, and possibly die. It's no secret that our military has been struggling to get and keep the manpower necessary for sustained operations overseas. It's bad enough that these kids can enlist at 18, but can't drink until they're 21, now the commandant wants to add one more nail to the recruiting coffin by restricting tattoos? Sorry general, I have to respectfully disagree with your decision.

I understand the Commandant's "spit-and-polish" statement, but there's something he's overlooking. Marines are first and foremost warriors. And there's something just a little intimidating about a foe covered in ink. The spit-and-polish statement doesn't really fly with me, because the dress uniform covers the areas where he's banning these tattoos. General Conway, if you want spit-and-polish, don't ban the ink, mandate long sleeves.

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