Thursday, April 12, 2007

My Favorite Time of Day

Some people are morning people, others look forward to the end of their work day. Some are night owls, and a few can only look forward to weekends. I like the end of the day, specifically the period of time from when I start putting the kids to bed until I fall asleep myself.

The family has a pretty stable routine at the end of the day. We eat relatively late (7:30 to 8:00PM), and that's when it's time to wind down. During and after dinner, we chat (sometimes with the TV in the background), the kids do homework and shower. Then it's time for my wife and the little 'un to read for a while, as I hang out with the older kid. Sometimes we talk, sometimes we play, sometimes she sits on the computer and completely ignores me. (She is a teenager, you know.)

When it's Little 'Un's bedtime, my wife and I switch. I hang out with the little one, and the Mrs. hangs out with the big one. The result is that each of has a little one-on-one time with each kid, every day. After the kids are in bed, the wife and I take a little time to talk. (Heck, sometimes it's the only chance we have!) In every case, it's a chance to be there with and for each person in my family. Sometimes we just hang out. Sometimes we have serious discussions. Occasionally we argue. But it's time with the people I care about most.

And when that's done, as I drift off to sleep, I reflect on the day. If it was a good day, I thankfully reflect. If it was a bad day, I thank God that it's over, remember that tomorrow is a new day, and keep in mind that I need the occasional bad day to truly appreciate the good ones.

What's your favorite time of day?

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