Monday, July 2, 2007

Weird Al

Last night we saw Weird Al Yankovic in concert and it was an absolute riot -- one of the best shows I've ever seen! He played virtually all of my favorites... Amish Paradise, Eat It, Fat, Yoda, White and Nerdy... the list goes on.

When I found out he was coming to town, I thought it would be a cool show to see, but it wasn't something I was looking forward to as an all-time great show. He blew away my expectations. For all of his major songs, he wore the costume that he wore in the videos... more clothing changes that I'd expect to see at a Barbara Streisand concert (not that I'd go see her). During the costume changes, he put Al TV interviews on the screen, and during one of the songs he came out in the audience.

He also did a Paris Hilton parody, to the tune of that Crash Test Dummies song. The crowd laughed, cheered and had as much fun as I did.

We essentially did the concert for the benefit of my brother-in-law, who is a big Weird Al fan. Heck, he flew in from California so he could see the show. After the concert we all got autographs from him... Weird Al, not my brother-in-law.

I really can't say enough good stuff about the experience. If Weird Al ever comes to your neck of the woods, I highly recommend that you check out the show. I promise, you won't be disappointed.

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