Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pleased With the Outcome

In case you didn't know, I'm pleased that Obame was elected President. It affirms my belief that Americans have come a long way in the whole race relations thing, it gratifies me that we somehow managed to gain respect global respect in one day, and I am hopeful for what the future holds.

I spent a lot of time watching John Stewart and Stephen Colbert cover the election, and I was greatly amused by the whole show. Colbert struck me with one tongue-in-cheek, amusing, profound question... he asked a black guest "If Obama is elected president, does that mean that racism is over?" We all know that the answer is 'no,' but it was a great question.

I also asked a very close friend of mine, who happens to be black, about his voting. I knew that he'd be voting for Obama -- both because of his race and because of his political inclination -- but my friend surprised me. He said that 60% of his decision was because Obama is black. It just goes to show that I may not pay attention to race (though I am cognizant of it) but minorities still are.

My younger daughter just got home, so I'm going to cut this short and hang out with her.


Paulius said...

I have to admit that I was very impressed with Obama's acceptance speech. It was nice to hear a politician actually being realistic instead of promising quick and easy fixes.

As for the race thing, the way I see it is that for every person who voted for Obama simply because he was black, there was someone who voted AGAINST him because he was black. According to the CNN coverage, both black and white people were pretty much exactly 50/50 on whether race was a factor in their vote or it pretty much evens out.

Not being a citizen I didn't get to vote in this election...but I believe the best candidate won. Let's just hope he lives up to his promises.

Sunny said...

What....only one blog-post a week now dude???

Don't make me hide P's xbox.

Evan 08 said...

Sorry. I've lost my muse. Fear not though, winter is coming, which causes me to hole up and spend too much time on the computer.

Sunny said...

well, I'm kinda sad at that thought- but then again- I do love reading your blog.