Friday, March 20, 2009

Random Notes

I've noticed that most of the blogs I follow have been silent for the last several days, so I'm taking a little initiative and doing my part to break the silence...

A couple of days ago, I downloaded the new add-on for Grand Theft Auto IV... it's called The Lost and Damned. I can't really explain why, but I love GTA IV. I finished the game and kept playing anyway. When I found out that Lost and Damned was being released, I knew I'd end up buying it. The add-on is a lot of fun. I'm about 20% of the way through the game... I'm taking my time and doing side missions and stuff like that. A couple of things I like so far... the races are cool... they're 8-person motorcycle races, and you can take out the other competitors with a baseball bat. I also ran into Niko, the main character from the original GTA IV storyline. Little things like that make the game continually fun.

The arm pain is still non-existent for the most part. Still getting some numbness, but it's still early in the healing game. I'm still trying to diligently pay attention to my posture, but the damage didn't accumulate overnight, so I don't expect it to disappear overnight either. The major downside is that I may not be able to do any whitewater kayaking this spring. On our annual boys' trips, we collaborate and decide what to do, and we decided to do some whitewater this year (mainly for my benefit, because I'm the main one who does whitewater). However, if I'm not 100%, I won't do any whitewater... especially considering how out of practice I am.

I've been working part-time for coming up on a year. I like it. The house of Evan doesn't have quite the amount of money coming in that we had before, but I was fortunate enough to find this part-time gig before the economy crashed, and my clients tend to be somewhat recession-resistant. I don't see myself going back to the full-time grind for quite a while. The kids like having me available to shuttle them to and from school, and to help them with homework, and Mrs. Evan really likes not having to do any housework. In return for being at the beckon call of others, I get a lot of free time... time to write, play video games, putter around the house, and to compose music. I guess this means that I'm semi-retired at 40-something. If this is retirement, sign me up.

Now, I'm off to surprise my younger kid by showing up unexpectedly for lunch.


Sunny said...

It's been ages since I played GTA...mainly because last time I played it, Paul kinda was scared of me for a week afterwards.

I feel a game of it coming on next weekend, maybe.

I so wanna get Paul's Gold Membership back on the x-box. I know he misses it.

Paulius said...

So how much content is in the expansion? Are we talking another ten hours of gameplay or just another handful of missions?

I'm kinda wary of that since I bought an expansion for another 360 game and spent ten bucks on what turned out to be less than an hour's worth of content.

Evan 08 said...

Paul: It's not quite as extensive as the original game, but waaaay more than an "extra hour." I've played for several days (an hour or two at a shot) and have a 20-odd completion percentage. If you liked GTA, I'd say it's worth the extra few bucks... and bear in mind that I don't buy a lot of games.