Saturday, April 12, 2008

Brick by Brick

I've made my decision. Over the next several days, weeks or months, I am going to slowly and deliberately dismantle my old blog. Since it is a blog though, and not a building, I can start at the foundation. Consequently, those who casually observe the structure will never notice the creeping annihilation of that which I spent so many years constructing, and am now so carefully migrating to a new secret location. They will overlook the bedrock until one day, out of the blue, the entire mass will no longer exist.

But like the London Bridge, I will rebuild in a new location -- this one. If everything goes as I plan, they will be watching, but at a critical moment, they will turn their backs... and when they once again look at my blog -- which at that point has ceased to be -- they will simply wonder... "What the fuck? Where did it go."

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