Sunday, October 9, 2005

Word Verification

In a comment yesterday, someone mentioned that my word verification called him 'fuckwagy.' I've got to tell you, I've run across a few word verification words that have made me laugh too. Maybe we should start posting our word verification words at the end of our replies. After we get a few good ones, we could decide on a meaning for the words, and string them together in some sort of nonsensical fashion. Heck, we could start a language revolution, based on word verification. What do you think?
I'll start out by giving this word a definition.
Fuckwagy: (FUCK-wagg-ee) adj.-Fuckworthy; worthy of being fucked. Generally a compliment.

-For example, you see a hot chick in a bar... instead of saying "I'd fuck her." You could say "She's fuckwagy."

Waddaya think?

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