-Word: (pro-NUN-see-A-shun) [part of speech] Definition. (Submitted by)
-Aajshsi: (aah-GEESH-ee) [n] An Oriental variation of "achoo." (RayRay)
-Aqvra: (OCK-ver-uh) [n] An underwater opera. (Me)
-Blsyi: (BLES-yee) [phrase] The natural response to Aajshsi. (RayRay)
-Boaeismg:(BOA-ism) [n] The study of snake habits. (RayRay)
-Bystrdo: (Bih-STAR-do) [n] A spanish or Old English bastard. (Paulius)
-Dalpkj (DOLL-Pak-aj) [n] The clothing that women wear to nightclubs. "If I'm gonna go out dancing tonight, then I'm going to wear my dalpkj. (Me)
-Damni: (DAM-nee) [n] An obvious variation of "damn". (Chief Slacker) {Late Submission}
-Dngrxx: (DANE-jur-ex-ex) [interjection] Triple the danger. (Me)
-DQXier: (DEE-QUEUE-SEE-er) [n] 1)A dossier on Dairy Quen. 2) {DEE-QUEUE-Zeer} [n] Undergarments issued to female Dairy Queen employees as part of their standard uniform.
-Dremu: (DREE-mew) [n] 1) An Emu's Fantasy Girl. (Chief Slacker) 2) A euphamism for a really sexy woman with the body of a model. (Me)
-Emuobn (E-myu-Obb-in) [verb] - 1) Pseudo-Strutting, not quite pulling it off, and looking awkward, like a bird. "Check out the geek in the leisure suit, emuobn down the street!" 2) Sticking your head in the sand, in an attempt to maintain ignorant bliss. "He should have known he was going to het laid off, but he didn't see it coming because he was emuobn." (Me)
-Enefitr: (ENN-uh-Fit-ur) [n] The person who makes sure the enema tube isn't too big. (Me) {Late Submission}
-Equteg: (E-kwi-teg) [n] The price tag that tells you how much that fancy new horse will cost.
-Everozp (EHV-er-Ozz-up) [phrase] Fall asleep during a meeting. "Next time you everozp, you're fired!" (Me)
-Evldnzn: (E-vil-Dan-zin) [n] Evil-dancing. Dancing so bad, it's actually evil. (Paulius)
-Fafkmno: (Faf-cam-EE-no) [n] A very nice El Camino. (RayRay)
-Fjdaq: (FUJ-dak) [ n] A fudge daiquiri. (RayRay)
-Fuckwagy (FUCK-wag-ee) [adj] - Fuckworthy... generally a compliment (Submitted by Paulius, defined by Me)
-Fwufx (FWUH-fix) [adj] Fluffy, like a stuffed animal. (Me)
-Gffuhz (g-FUZZ) [verb] - Alternate spelling for guffaw (Me)
-Gpeivrbs: (GIP-Pee-verbs) [n] Verbs that have gone slightly wrong. (Paulius)
-Ianvew: (EYE-uhn-view) [n] A worm's eye view. The exact opposite of a bird's eye view. (Me)
-Iuhnanu (EYE-uh-Na-noo) [n] An avid follower of the teachings of Mork from Ork. (Chief Slacker)
-J-Mode: (JAY-mode) [n] Contraction for Java Mode, which is the state of being that occurs from drinking too much coffee. (Me)
-Jssllupyo (Jez-ll-UP-yo) [phrase] 1) Street slang for "Just elope, you two." 2) The advice a drunk gives young lovers. (RayRay)
-Kltbonho: (kilt-BO-no) [n] A kilt worn by U2's Bono. (RayRay)
-Kuwrty (QW-ur-tee) [adj] Quirky and Pretty (Sunny)
-Maxazps: (MAX-a-zaps) [n] Highest setting on a ray-gun. (Paulius)
-Nawpi: (NAW-pee) [n] A naughy little cutie-pie. "Check out that nawpi on the dance floor." (Me) {Late Submission}
-Nyhltosv (NIL-tos-uv) A Russian-Jewish toast (RayRay)
-Nzaggzd: (NIZZ-agg-zed) [v] The past tense of "nagged," a la Snoop Dogg. "That bitch nzaggzd me to death." (Me) {Late Submission}
-Obaead (o-BAYD) [verb] - Past tense of "obey" Think Bill Cosby. (Me)
-Oeagojel (oya-GO-jel) [n] Any brand of styling jel, similar to Jerry Curl. (Me)
-Ozukma: (oh-ZUKE-muh) [n] A high-pressure water cannon used for riot control. (Me)
-Penkgx : (PEN-kix) [n] Enjoyment gleaned from writing. (Paulius)
-Piiuel: (PEYE-ool) [n] The thin film that forms on the outside of leftover pie. (Me)
-Podrmy (poo-DAR-mee) [noun] - fear of the armed forces (Paulius)
-Ptygoo (PIH-tee-goo) [n] Extra thick tears, usually occurring when someone is extremely upset. "He was so upset, his face was streaming with ptygoo." (Paulius)
-Puapp: (POO-app) [n] Toilet paper. (Me)
-Qozxra: (koz-EX-ra) [n] The premium paid for optional features in a luxury vehicle. "The base model was $20,000. But after all of the qozxras, I ended up spending almost $30,000." (Me)
-Ruqiwbu: (RUKE-ee-wub) [n] - The sensation of getting hit in a swonicle with a taser. (Paulius) {Late Submission}
-Soairsa (so-AIR-za) [phrase] - Contraction for "So there's a..." (Sunny)
-Thvkn: (THEEV-kin) [n] A wee little thief. (RayRay)
-TPRubPrr: (TEE-PEE-Rub-prr) [n] The cooing sound one makes after using a particularly soft brand of toilet paper. (Kato)
-Uftwnt (OOFT-woont) 1) [n] An Object often yearned for. 2) [v] To be frequently in need. (Chief Slacker)
-Uvklrey: (UV-Kil-ray) [adj] The exact opposite of Fuckwagy. Someone so ugly that you'd rather turn the klrey (kill ray, which is, ironically enough, the "maxazaps" setting on most commercially available ray guns) on yourself, rather than be seen with this individual. "Man, too bad that fuckwagy chick has such an uvklrey friend, otherwise we'd both be hooked up." (Me)
-Vgeim: (Vej-jee-I-emm) [n] A really boring IM conversation. An IM conversation so boring that you feel like you're chatting with a vegetable. (Me) {Late Submission}
-VixDry: (VIX-dreye) [n] Anti-perspirant for a malicious or quarrelsome woman. (Me) {Late Submission}
-Vyrioclr: (VEYE-Ree-oh-klor) a) [n] A chemical compound similar to chloroform, used by evil geniuses (such as Kato), to render victims helpless and return said victim to the evil genius' lair. b) [v] The use of the aforementioned chemical compound. (Me)
-Wasuoof: (was-OOF) [interjection] The sound you make when getting hit in the crotch with a basketball. (Paulius)
-Wemns: (WEE-mens): [plural possessive] An alternate spelling and pronunciation of "women's". (Me) {Late Submission}
-Wudggla: (Would-GIG-gul-uh): [v] Would giggle. "It was so funny that I wudggla." (Misfit) {Late Submission}
-WVHog: (DUB-ya-VEE-Hog) [n] A large woman from
-XPGPL: An open source implementation of Microsoft Windows (Kato)
-Xxalkk (ZAHL-lkk) [noun] The sound made when attempting to tell someone that you are choking on salt. (RayRay)
-Yakqd (YAKd) [v] Vomited. (Me)
-Ycyooh: (I See Yooooou) [phrase] Greeting used by the Christmahannukwanzakah ads. (Paulius) {Late Submission}
-Ykant: (Yuh-Kant) [phrase] Contraction for "You can't." (Me) {Late Submission}-Zbugi (z-BOO-gee) [phrase] Let's boogie. (Me-Zmoau (Z-mou) [adv] - Somehow (Me)
-Zpwud: (ZIP-wud) [n] A derogatory term, which originated as a combination of zipperhead and fuckwad. "That guy's a real zpwud." (Me)
-Zyzax: (ZEYE-zax) [n] A generic term for any powerful housecleaning chemical (scouring powder, tile cleaner, etc). "Honey, while you're at the store, don't forget to get some more zyzax for the toilet." (Me)
-Zzseiyrn: (ZEERN) [n] The sound a race car makes when it flies past you at 200mph. (Paulius)
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