Monday, April 17, 2006

My High School Graduating Class is Lame

I graduated in 1986. Shortly after graduation, I entered the Marine Corps. When I came home on leave in late 1990 or early 1991, I ran in to a couple of people who graduated the same year I did. Shannon was part of the "popular" crowd, but she was always down to earth and very cool. We struck up a conversation, and she started filling me in on the goings-on of some of others we graduated with. Eventually I asked if we were going to have a class reunion. Her answer was something to the effect of "No, we figured that since we don't have our lives in order yet that nobody else does either."

"That's pretty fucking arrogant!" I replied, which quickly and effectively killed the conversation. I vaguely remember that my graduating class had a ten-year reunion, but I didn't attend. I figured that I was already in contact with everyone I cared about. My best friend Greg was of the same opinion. In all honesty though, I'm not 100% sure that we had one... I only remember that Greg and I didn't go. If there was a reunion though, my hunch is that only the people who still lived in my hometown at that point went, making it a reunion of locals.

It looks like things have come full circle again. I graduated high school twenty years ago... it's actually 20 years ago next month, but close enough. Once again, I'm interested in going, but I haven't heard anything from anyone about a reunion. I even searched the internet today, and there's nothing planned. I suspect that they figure they don't have their lives in order, so nobody does. How lame!

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