Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Walking a Tight Line

Today's post is partially inspired by Sunny's comment from yesterday's post, and partially based on recent personal observations.

They say that being a parent is the toughest job in the world. Notice that I didn’t say worst job in the world; I said toughest. As a parent, you’re responsible for the health, welfare, safety, well-being and upbringing of a human life. It’s a commitment that should not be made lightly, because it’s a life-long obligation. It’s the most frustrating, rewarding, invigorating, draining, joyous and sorrowful experience you will ever encounter, and it never ends.

With that said, I can think of one that’s probably more difficult… being a step-parent. I have seen step-parents devote their lives to children who are not biologically theirs with the same commitment – more in some cases – than the biological parents. A good step-parent shares the same level of dedication that birth parents take on, yet they miss out on some aspects of parenting due to a lack of authority. A mom or dad may hear “I hate you” from their kid’s mouth, but they’ll never hear “You’re not my mom.” At the same time though, step-parents have some tools of their own. By virtue of not being a parent, they can take more of a friend or mentor role with their step-children. As a friend or mentor, they can freely discuss things with the children that kids may feel uncomfortable discussing with parents.

Regardless of whether being a step-parent is tougher, easier, or just plain different, I am coming to realize that good step-parents are an underappreciated lot. They put in the time, effort and love, and should get the recognition in return. Have you hugged your step parent today?

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