Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lord Vader Makes a Prediction

During a recent interview with Politico, former Vice-President Dick Cheney predicted that "terrorists are highly likely to attempt a nuclear or biological attack on United States in coming years," and that such an attack would likely be successful unless President Obama keeps in place the 'protections' set in place by the Bush administration, such as the Patriot Act, and 'enhanced interrogation techniques.'

Given a long enough timeline, this prediction is bound to come true, regardless of the 'protections' we have. Is it worth giving up our basic liberties for a modicum of feeling safer? If and when this attack occurs, will we as a society realize that giving up these liberties didn't truly protect us and roll back the restrictions on our rights, or will we become even more afraid and give up more of our freedom? I think we all know the answer.

Furthermore, Cheney's statement is incredibly self-serving. There's no way that we can prove that the Patriot Act and interrogation prevented another attack, and he's got to somehow justify the acts of the Bush administration's choices. Sorry, Mr. Cheney, your words have fallen on deaf ears... just as our demands to roll back these draconian 'safeguards' fell on the deaf ears of your office. I, for one, would rather be free than safe.

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