Friday, November 11, 2005

She Was Running Commando

"She Was Running Commando" is Part Two of an Interactive Serial Novel, inspired by the word verification feature of blogger. The story is centered around "words" that were created by the word verification feature of blogger, but defined and submitted by readers of this blog. You may want to refer to the dictionary from time to time as you read this story.

Click Here for Part I

I did a double-take. “What,” I asked!? I hope I didn’t betray the fact that I was surprised she actually had a boyfriend.

“That’s him, coming in the door now.”

When I saw him, I instantly understood how they could be an item. The guy was a little too tall, had greasy, messy black hair, and was waaaaay too skinny to be healthy. When I mentally pictured them together, I saw the proverbial thin man and fat woman from those circus sideshows. Tammy grew a little pale as her ostrich of a boyfriend came emuobn across the room.

“What’s the matter,” I inquired?

“My boyfriend is kind of jealous, and tends to get mad when he sees me talking to other guys.”

“What a zpwud,” I retorted. “Why don’t you just tell him the truth? Tell him that nothing’s going on, that we’re not flirting, and that we’re just talking. Let him know the main reason we started talking in the first place is because your friend was interested in my friend.”

“Well, he’s usually pretty jealous when I talk to guys, regardless of why I’m talking to them.”

“Don’t worry,” I replied with a grin “I won’t hurt him.”

“It’s not him that I’m worried about,” she grimly responded.

I was a little taken back by that last statement, but determined not to let my discomfort show. “Who was she worried for,” I wondered, “Her, or me.” There wasn’t really time to ponder the question though, because the ostrich arrived at our table seconds later. Each of us spent a fraction of a second sizing the other up. I certainly wasn’t intimidated. There was only one word that could adequately describe the guy… wimp! After sizing him up, I surmised that she was worried about a fight after she got home, or something like that. One thing surprised me though. I’d assumed that he’d be a little intimidated by me. But if he was, he certainly didn’t let the pressure show.

“Hi honey, this is…” That was when we both realized that she didn’t know my name. I learned hers, but had never gotten around to giving her my name. I extended my hand and opened my mouth to introduce myself, and it happened. I saw the wimp’s face twitch ever-so-slightly, my sixth sense screamed DNGRXX, and his fist slammed into my head with the force of a brick. That punch came out of nowhere! Just as I registered the blood trickling from the corner of my mouth like ptygoo, and readied myself to kick this guy’s ass, the next blow came. I didn’t even see it, but I sure heard the wasuoof. As the thvkn ran off with my consciousness and the blackness closed in, the last thing I saw as I looked up from the floor was the dremu, decked out in her dalpkj. During my last instant of consciousness, I saw that she was running commando, and I was content. What can I say? I’m a guy, I notice these things.

Drop by tomorrow for the third installment.

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